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Lead Gen - Hosting a Yard Sale

Hosting Community Yard Sales: 
We wanted to experience and share a new strategy that has been crushing it for us lately. Here is step-by-step how we run community yard sales. 😎 Print "Yard Sale" signs with your name, logo, and contact information. You will need these and they take a few weeks to get. 

1) Identify the geo area you want to host. 
2) Set a date and get one person to agree to host a yard sale from 8AM - Noon on Saturday. 

3) Obtain a mailing list of the neighborhood (lender or other partner should be able to help with this)

4) We printed off 500 postcards to be mailed with the date of the Yard Sale and the date to RSVP
5) A few days after you send your postcards, start door-knocking. This is where the strategy CRUSHES it. When you knock on the door, you are not asking them to sell their home or become clients. People are SUPER nice about the conversation when you state that you're planning a community yard sale and want to see if they are interested. 

6) Create a yard sale guide (we used ChatGPT for this) that you can give people to help them host a successful yard sale. 
7) One-Week Out from yard sale text all Yes participants and confirm that you are going to add them to the Community Map. 

8) Once you confirm your RSVPs, create a flyer with a map of the addresses, then post all the addresses on the five or so yard sale websites and social media. 
9) The day before the yard sale, text everyone that you will be dropping off a yard sale sign for them at their door to put in the yard the next morning. 

10) Print small 1/2 page maps of all the houses. 

11) Day of the yard sale go to everyone's home, make sure the sign is in the yard, hand them a stack of maps to hand out, and mingle. 
12) Put all new contacts into your funnel. 

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